Van Den Eynde Supermatch Groundbait

Van Den Eynde Supermatch Groundbait Canal ace Mark Pollard rates Supermatch as his favourite shallow water groundbait. Van den Eynde Supermatch always forms the base of my canal groundbait. I love it because it's fine, dark and doesn't fill the fish up while producing a cloud from the bottom or the surface depending on how it's mixed. I'll use it on its own in clear water although on canals affected by boat traffic I will add smaller portions of Van den Eynde Crushed Hemp, Supercup and Pigeon. These three help the mix to bind a bit as well as drawing fish back to the swim once a boat has passed. The proportions are: one bag Supermatch, half a bag Crushed Hemp, a quarter bag Supercup and quarter bag Pigeon Sh*t. After this you may need to add a little more water to achieve the perfect texture. Once your happy, shake it through a maggot riddle and it's ready. This mix is at its best in depths between 18 inches and 5 feet. Used on its own, Super Match will provide brilliant results and it can also be mixed with other Van Den Eynde products to tackle more specific water conditions. MIXING SUGGESTIONS To get even more from your groundbait, Marcel and triple world champion Bob Nudd suggest the following: Light Mix: 50/50 mix of Super Match and Special. Medium Mix: 50/50 mix of Super Match and Supercup or World Champion. Heavy Mix: 50/50 mix of Super Match and Beet or Turbo+. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place the dry groundbait into a mixing bowl and blend befor adding water. 2. Add water slowly whilst vigorously stirring the mix together. Break up any lumps which develop by rubbing them between your palms. 3. When you feel the mixture is damp enough, set it aside for 5-10 minutes to allow the moisture to be fully absorbed. 4. You will find before use a little more water may be added to the mix. 5. In some circumstances this groundbait is more effective when mixed well in advance of its required use time. 1 Kgs bag
Only £6.24

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