Hallux Valgus Splint Nightsplint per piece

Brand: Solelution from Podobrace UK
Number #1 Hallux Valgus Splint! We offer you the cheapest price! The Hallux Valgus Night Splint is used by thousands of people with great success!   Came out as best in our test of no less than 13 brands!  The Hallux Valgus Splint is the undisputed number #1 toe straightener at the moment and considered the best orthotic for correcting a deviation of your big toe. The applied support is being worn by thousands of people with great success and high comfort, and works because slight forces work against the toe deviation. Making sure you experience less to none complaints during the day. The toe straightener is being worn with great success by thousands of satisfied customers, for all the above complaints. 
Only £18.95

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